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Moxy Ru was a London-based rock band that comprised Brett Howell on lead vocals and guitar, Rob Dyer on guitar and backup vocals, Javier Sánchez on bass and Samuel Rodriguez on drums. The band was formed in February 2012, and took its name from what Brett once misheard as a lady’s name in a noisy pub.

Moxy Ru fused elements of classic rock with a contemporary sensibility. “As individuals we have extremely different musical tastes and influences, but just enough in common to be a band,” says guitarist Rob. The result is a sound that he describes as “hairy and wild eyed” and that vocalist Brett describes as sounding “good loud.” Comparisons to The Rolling Stones, The Who and The Doors are to be expected, though Moxy Ru had an auditory signature of its own. “I don’t think we really sound like anyone else,” says drummer Samuel. “It’s our own sound.”

As a group of songwriters, the four piece had an undeniable gift for memorable melodies and imaginative lyrics. “We write songs together very easily,” says vocalist Brett. “Some ideas seem to come out of nowhere, and my inspiration for lyrics could be from a conversation, an art exhibition, a night out or some graffiti on a men’s room wall.” The band’s most popular songs included ‘Rebel Gentleman,’ ‘Who Is That Man?’, ‘Spider on the Wall’ and ‘Moxy Ru.’

he band gigged extensively at London venues that include the O2 in Islington, The Garage at Highbury Corner, The Dublin Castle in Camden and won a reputation as a live act on the make. "For us it's not just about the music: it's about the performance," says drummer Samuel. With this reputation established, the band drew crowds for its antics as much as its music. “Brett is a kind of Mick Jagger on stage,” says bassist Javier. “Audiences enjoy that."

Moxy Ru by Alex Davison

Moxy Ru - Javier Sanchez, Brett Howell, Samuel Rodriguez & Rob Dyer. 

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The Happy Accidents of Moxy Ru

Moxy Ru played its first gig on a Saturday night in April 2012. The venue was London’s Camden Rock, and neither the audience nor band knew what to expect. "We'd formed two months earlier," recalls Brett Howell, lead vocalist. "We had two songs I’d written for a previous band, and the band had co-written a few more. We rehearsed a playlist of six songs, and booked a gig." The band played to an enthusiastic reception. "Feedback was really positive," says Brett. "People liked our songs, and were surprised to hear we'd only played together for two months. They also liked our energy on stage. It was a good start."

Moxy Ru is a London-based rock outfit consisting of frontman Brett Howell, lead guitarist Rob Dyer, bassist Javier Sánchez and drummer Samuel Rodriguez. Asked about the origin of the band name, Brett explains, "I was once introduced to a lady in a very loud pub. I can't remember her actual name, but I misheard it as Moxy Ru. The name stuck with me, and I suggested it to the band." Unique and ideal for SEO, the name has served them well. Its roots in mishap are also consistent with the band's attraction to happy accidents. "Happy accidents inspire us," says lead guitarist Rob. "As a musician I've always enjoyed messing around, and we've often discovered riffs or developed new ideas by chance. A lot of our songs have grown out of someone doing something by accident."

The band’s first stroke of luck was Brett, Rob and Javier meeting as colleagues in a north London office in late 2011. “The corporate environment isn’t the most likely place to find band members,” reflects Brett. “But one night the three of us went to a pub after work, and realised we all played instruments. So we had eight pints of beer, and decided to form a band.” 

Finding a drummer was the next challenge. “Auditioning drummers reminded me of Goldilocks testing the porridge,” recalls Rob. “Some drummers were too this; some drummers were too that. “Eventually we met Samuel through a mutual friend. We auditioned him, and he turned out to be just right.”

While sometimes compared with rock bands of the 1960s and 70s, Moxy Ru is strikingly modern: in an industry overrun by TV talent shows and production-led studio projects, the band is counterprogramming. “It’s a less familiar sound,” says Brett. Asked about the band’s approach to song writing, bassist Javier explains: “We’re basically a group of friends who enjoy playing music together. The songs develop out of that.” Brett interjects: “Basically, our method doesn’t have a method.”

Gigging frequently, the band has earned a reputation as one of London’s up-and-coming live acts. "For us it's not just about the music: it's about the performance," explains drummer Samuel. "We're a live band. We enjoy performing, and people feel that." Bassist Javier agrees. "Crowds like our energy and enthusiasm," he says. "Samuel is the happiest drummer in the world, and Brett is a kind of Mick Jagger on stage. Audiences enjoy that." 

As a live act Moxy Ru has also had its fair share of mishaps. “In the early days Brett had a habit of falling over on stage for no apparent reason," recalls Rob. "Sometimes guitars would cut out, and Samuel once disappeared during a show. I only realised when I heard someone in the crowd shout, 'Where's the fucking drummer?!' That was our first heckle. Luckily we haven't had any serious injuries yet." Indeed, it would seem that Moxy Ru has known nothing but happy accidents.

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London, United Kingdom.

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